Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Fashion comes from all over the world and over the years the methods of how garments are made vary.  The most popular techniques that have been utilized for centuries is draping and tailoring of garments.  Here are few examples of historical draping and tailoring from different cultures.

The Roman Toga was a dress robe from the Romans made of thick wool cloth. Togas were worn by draping and wrapping the wool cloth around the body and sometimes worn over a tunic.  The wool would extend out to approximately twenty feet.  

In India, women wore Saris that could be worn in various draping styles.  The Sari has one plain end and one decorative end. It originated from the men's dhoti which is one of the oldest versions of  draped garment in India.  The Sari is six yards in length and it gathers in the front and slightly falls over the shoulder.

French designer Madeleine Vionnet in 1912 became known for the dramatic draping and it became her trademark in the 20th century in Europe.  She was considered a pioneer of modern draping and used her technique to create amazing garments. 

During the 18th century, tailored clothing was designed and made specifically for those who could afford them. Tailored clothing were well-cut and measured to fit a particular person.  The suit includes a long tail coat with ruffled shirt and trousers.

 This tailored suit was designed during the 1960's by an American designer named Bill Blass.

The name given to this garment is called Livery.  It was worn by the male servant during the earlier part of the Georgian period.  It was worn as formal wear that included a frock coat, breeches, white stockings and pumps. 

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